Wednesday, October 21, 2020

All six small sculptures of Continental Soldier, The Militia Soldier, the Minuteman, the Woman Patriot, the Black Soldier and the Oneida Warrior are ready to order.

Download the "Six Patriot Sculptures" Brochure HERE. It tells about each of the six sculptures and has a handy order form that you can print and send in with a check. Soon you will be able to order on our website with a credit card.

To see them all, go to our BLOG which is the journal of the sculptor Michael Tieman.

If you want to make a contribution to the Memorial, you can write a check for cash, to purchase bricks or sculptures. Make the check out to ORWM and mail it to:  Dave Witter 4840 SW Fairhaven Dr. Portland, OR 97221

If you want to use your credit card, go to our web site and click on the DONATE button. Here you can order bricks, coins, Patriot sculpture, Wreaths across America and also make a cash donation.