Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Our Monthly Zoom Presentations Return

The Republic Chapter
Sept. 11, 2021

 "History, Trivia & Patriots of the Oregon Society S.A.R."

The Republic Chapter presents historical tidbits about the Oregon Society of the Sons of the America Revolution. Along the way we talk about some trivia, when chapters were formed, and the patriot ancestors of the members of the Oregon Society. We all know our personal Patriot Ancestors, so we show what the Oregon Society members represent as a group.

Future Monthly Chapter Presentations:
October 9 - High Desert Chapter
November 13 - Lewis & Clark Chapter
December 11 - Southern Oregon Chapter

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Join Us For a Special Zoom Presentation on June 12 at 10am. Everyone is Welcome.

June 12, 2021 - We are honored to have a zoom presentation from the Oneida Indian Nation in New York.

"Ron Patterson is a Member of the Oneida Indian Nation and is the manager of the Oneida Heritage Center and Shako:wi Cultural Center here on Oneida homelands in Central New York. Ron is pretty much an expert on Oneida history, especially as it relates to the Nation’s role in the Revolutionary War. He has given many presentations over the years on the subject to a variety of organizations. He has expressed great interest in presenting to your group and thanks you for the invitation."

Just a reminder that the ORSSAR has a YouTube page, our ORSSAR website and a blog. Click on the links to keep in touch with what is happening at our Oregon Society SAR.
ORSSAR 2021 Members New Handbook

Download the new Handbook. Check the link in the latest E-newsletter.
Contents include: History of ORSSAR, Web site, Blog, Social Media Connections, Constitution, By Laws and Members Contact Info.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Oregon SAR Annual Meeting of April 10, 2021

The Oregon SAR Annual Membership met electronically by Zoom video conferencing at 10:30. Next week the minutes of the meeting will be here to download, but the highlights of the meeting were the following two items:

Election of officers took place at the membership meeting. A ballot was mailed to all members and returned by April 9, 2021. There were 41 ballots returned and the slate of nominees were approved. There were no additional nominations from the floor.
The 2021/2022 Oregon Society Sons of the American Revolution officers are:
President- Michael Tieman
Secretary/Treasurer - John Berg
Registrar - Rob Greene
Chaplain - Eugene Foley
National Trustee - Rob Greene and Alternate Trustee - Ken Roberts
The Oregon Society awarded three medals:
State Medal of Distinguished Service
Compatriot Jim Martin

The State President may present one medal during his term at the Society’s Annual Meeting to a Compatriot in recognition for that Compatriot's conspicuous service to the State Society President during his administration.  

Several years ago, the President of the Southern Oregon Chapter resigned due to health and Compatriot Martin took his place. The chapter was having a problem with membership and participation. For several years now, Jim was all of the officers of the chapter. Last year the chapter was down to 6 members, less than the 8 required by National, but instead of closing the chapter, Jim worked tirelessly to rebuild it. This year the Southern Oregon chapter by his efforts alone, has grown to 10 members and there are four membership applications being worked on.

State Meritorious Service Medal
Compatriot Robie Greene

The State Meritorious Service Medal may be awarded to SAR members who have rendered faithful and meritorious service to their state society.  

Compatriot Greene's first experience at the State Society was as a chapter trustee several years ago. As the Oregon SAR needed volunteers for the Auditing Committee, Bylaws Committee, America 250th Anniversary National Committee, Social Media Committee and the State Registrar officer, Rob was there. Again this year he has stepped up and taken on all of those duties again. 

Patriot Medal
Compatriot Dave Witter Jr.

The Patriot Medal is the highest award presented to a Compatriot by a State Society that recognizes outstanding, and distinguished service at the chapter level. The Patriot Medal is awarded only by a State Society.

Compatriot Witter stepped into the position of Chapter Registrar when it became vacant midterm. With his tenacity and enthusiasm Dave not only added 19 new members to the Lewis & Clark Chapter last year and worked on over forty, but he also reworked how the chapter registrar makes contact and works with new prospects. He then has shared this procedure and has worked with and trained other chapter registrars as well. Since he had nothing else to do with his spare time, he took on the position of Treasurer for the Oregon Revolutionary War Memorial and is a member of their steering committee.

Just a reminder that the ORSSAR has a YouTube page.