Wednesday, November 25, 2020



The Oregon State Society will host a monthly Zoom meeting
on the second Saturday of each month. All members of all of our chapters are invited to attend.

The meeting will be a 30 minute presentation from one of the chapters, followed by a 5 min. recap from each Chapter President on what is happening at their chapter, followed by a 5 min. recap from the State President. That's it.

The first Zoom meeting will be held at 10:00am on December 12. The Republic Chapter will make the presentation.

The following is a synopsis for their presentation on Dec 12th by Compatriot David Devin.
A Bible Bought at Valley Forge. Family stories for my Devin lines talk of a Bible that was purchased at Valley Forge by my Patriot Ancestor, Sergeant William Devin of the 14th Virginia Regiment of Foot. This presentation covers the history of the Bible, my search to find it, and what it contained.

The dates of the other Zoom meetings hosted by the Oregon SAR are: Jan 9, 2021 (followed by the quarterly State BOM meeting), Feb 13, 2021 and March 13, 2021. The April meeting is the Annual Meeting for all members where we vote for our new State SAR officers.

When it is closer to the meeting time we will email all members the Zoom meeting information, ID and password.