June 12, 2021 - We are honored to have a zoom presentation from the Oneida Indian Nation in New York.
"Ron Patterson is a Member of the Oneida Indian Nation and is the manager of the Oneida Heritage Center and Shako:wi Cultural Center here on Oneida homelands in Central New York. Ron is pretty much an expert on Oneida history, especially as it relates to the Nation’s role in the Revolutionary War. He has given many presentations over the years on the subject to a variety of organizations. He has expressed great interest in presenting to your group and thanks you for the invitation."
"Ron Patterson is a Member of the Oneida Indian Nation and is the manager of the Oneida Heritage Center and Shako:wi Cultural Center here on Oneida homelands in Central New York. Ron is pretty much an expert on Oneida history, especially as it relates to the Nation’s role in the Revolutionary War. He has given many presentations over the years on the subject to a variety of organizations. He has expressed great interest in presenting to your group and thanks you for the invitation."

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ORSSAR 2021 Members New Handbook
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Contents include: History of ORSSAR, Web site, Blog, Social Media Connections, Constitution, By Laws and Members Contact Info.