Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Zoom Your Meetings To Stay in Touch

Just saw on Facebook that several DAR chapters and a local Cub Scout pack (one of my grandsons and a member of the L&C chapter of the SAR belongs) have gone to having their regular meetings online using Zoom, a free video conferencing ap/software, to keep in touch with each other. Something to think about for chapters to still have their meetings and to stay in touch with their members. Maybe a 7pm meeting with beer in hand and just chatting. We have to stay in touch during these trying times.

The Oregon BOM is having our first virtual meeting tonight using Zoom to keep State SAR business moving. We will be discussing having our Annual State meeting on April 25 as a video conference using Zoom. You can have over 100 people on at the same time.

Also, it’s a way to connect to members who don’t normally come to meetings. It will give them something to do and meet some of their fellow compatriots. You can go to the company web site for more info.

Memorial Day May 25 Celebration in Beaverton Cancelled

For many years the Lewis & Clark Chapter has been honored to participate in this event. Our Color Guard has fired musket volleys at the end of the Memorial Day Celebration in Beaverton to commemorate the men and women who have died in military service to their country. We have also had our SAR booth there and over the years not only raised awareness for our Society and chapter, but it has become our best fundraising event for the Oregon Revolutionary War Memorial.

This year because of the CORVID-19 pandemic, the American Legion has cancelled the event. We will miss being with our friends, but please everyone take a moment on Memorial Day and remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. Remember: Raise the flag on May 25 with Honor and Respect.

Oregon State SAR Web site update is going well.

Several months ago, the BOM approved the content tabs of the new web site and I sent them the design of the new homepage as a sample for their OK.

During the next week or so, I will be finishing the various page designs and put the new site up. The currant site may be down for a while when the site is transferred to the new “Host” and I add the new pages. Bear with us, it won’t take long to make the changeover, but with more people and companies adding web sites since the shutdown, getting changes approved and up “Live” we wait in line for our turn.

Here is an image of the new homepage, just to tease you a bit. I will send out an email when the new site is up.