Wednesday, March 18, 2020

April 25 BOM meeting and Oregon Annual Meeting is Cancelled.

The Oregon Sate officers had a telephone conference on Monday March 15, 2020 to decide about the upcoming April BOM meeting and Annual Sate meeting. After some discussion it was decided that:
  • The April 25 BOM meeting held at the Hilton Hotel starting at 9am will be cancelled, instead the meeting of the BOM will be by phone conferencing at the same time and date.
  • The Oregon State Annual meeting also held at the same date and location as the BOM above will be cancelled.
    • Since the Annual meeting was to vote on the new slate of State officers for 202021, it was decided that the currant President John Berg will mail to every member of the state a ballot to fill in and mail back. The ballots will be counted on April 25 by the ORSSAR President and the results published in this newsletter and on the state web site.