Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Pacific District Meeting April 25, 2020 is Cancelled

After conferring with officers of the host Oregon SAR and considering all current options, including the National Emergency, the Washington State Emergency and potential for additional travel restrictions between Washington and bordering States, etc. - and realizing that the majority of those registered for the Pacific Conference fall within the age bracket of most potentially "at risk" individuals, it is with great reluctance but with an abundance of caution that I have decided the only prudent action to take is to cancel the upcoming Pacific District Conference that was to be held the 25th of April.
    Those who registered for rooms at the hotel should make arrangements to cancel and obtain refunds.  Advise them that the cancellation is due to the National Emergency and that the District Conference has also been cancelled for the same reason. The Hotel said we have until the 6th of April to cancel our reservations for this event.
    For those who paid the $40 pre-registrations for the event - THANK YOU.   I would like to give you two options regarding this prepayment.
  • option A:  Treat this as a donation to the Oregon War Memorial project and receive the Beautiful War Memorial Coin (cost $20) and the Front Sight Membership Certificate – (Value $15,000) - these would have been given to you at the door but will be sent to you by mail.  
  • option B: ask for a refund of your $40 registration and forego the War Memorial Medallion and the Certificate.

    The only business of the Pacific District Conference was the nomination for the Vice President General for 2020- this will be done by phone between the representatives of the three State Societies and myself  at a time convenient for all of us sometime between now and the end of April.  
    Please let me know if you have any questions.   I held off on this decision as long as possible.
Kenneth Roberts
Vice President General: Pacific District