SAR Compatriot:Eugene Foley
Fraternal Connections

Masonry is often characterized as a “secret” really
isn’t. In fact, one might compare it with many other fraternal
organizations, like the Grange, Pythians, Odd Fellows, and many others
that use ritual and symbolism in their lessons teaching commonly held
virtues of the communities they serve. Such would certainly be
consistent with the actions evident among those who would actively seek
the abolition of tyranny and despotism.
As genealogical researchers, the lack of secrecy is a treasure trove of information. Members wanted to be known as such, and even paraded (literally) to make their presence known. The famous painting of the laying of the corner stone of the first national capital building shows Washington in Masonic adornment. But, perhaps, most useful is the availability of historic membership information. Many grand lodges have allowed the transcription of membership files which provide useful dates, occupations, and locations. And can search them on the internet.
As genealogical researchers, the lack of secrecy is a treasure trove of information. Members wanted to be known as such, and even paraded (literally) to make their presence known. The famous painting of the laying of the corner stone of the first national capital building shows Washington in Masonic adornment. But, perhaps, most useful is the availability of historic membership information. Many grand lodges have allowed the transcription of membership files which provide useful dates, occupations, and locations. And can search them on the internet.