Wednesday, November 25, 2020



The Oregon State Society will host a monthly Zoom meeting
on the second Saturday of each month. All members of all of our chapters are invited to attend.

The meeting will be a 30 minute presentation from one of the chapters, followed by a 5 min. recap from each Chapter President on what is happening at their chapter, followed by a 5 min. recap from the State President. That's it.

The first Zoom meeting will be held at 10:00am on December 12. The Republic Chapter will make the presentation.

The following is a synopsis for their presentation on Dec 12th by Compatriot David Devin.
A Bible Bought at Valley Forge. Family stories for my Devin lines talk of a Bible that was purchased at Valley Forge by my Patriot Ancestor, Sergeant William Devin of the 14th Virginia Regiment of Foot. This presentation covers the history of the Bible, my search to find it, and what it contained.

The dates of the other Zoom meetings hosted by the Oregon SAR are: Jan 9, 2021 (followed by the quarterly State BOM meeting), Feb 13, 2021 and March 13, 2021. The April meeting is the Annual Meeting for all members where we vote for our new State SAR officers.

When it is closer to the meeting time we will email all members the Zoom meeting information, ID and password.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Membership Renewal


Don't Forget To Renew Your SAR
Membership For 2021
If you have not received your membership renewal form in the mail, contact your Chapter.    

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

All six small sculptures of Continental Soldier, The Militia Soldier, the Minuteman, the Woman Patriot, the Black Soldier and the Oneida Warrior are ready to order.

Download the "Six Patriot Sculptures" Brochure HERE. It tells about each of the six sculptures and has a handy order form that you can print and send in with a check. Soon you will be able to order on our website with a credit card.

To see them all, go to our BLOG which is the journal of the sculptor Michael Tieman.

If you want to make a contribution to the Memorial, you can write a check for cash, to purchase bricks or sculptures. Make the check out to ORWM and mail it to:  Dave Witter 4840 SW Fairhaven Dr. Portland, OR 97221

If you want to use your credit card, go to our web site and click on the DONATE button. Here you can order bricks, coins, Patriot sculpture, Wreaths across America and also make a cash donation.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Genealogy - Pay Attention to the Detail

 SAR Compatriot:Eugene Foley

Pay Attention to the Detail
When we qualify our ancestors as patriots with proof of birth, death, and marriage, we often don’t bother with other information that might lead to a better understanding of who they are.  Census records, city directories and obituaries also provide information, such as occupation or employers, that can help us understand more about who our ancestors are and how they lived.

In my research, I very much enjoy finding interesting facts and digging deeper into them.  As I was looking at my Jamestown families, I found a ship’s captain by the name of James Davis or Davies from whom I am descended.  In the notes about his life, it mentioned that he had also delivered colonists to the Popham Plantation, and that he had captained a pinnace that had been built there (the first English ship built in North America).  Pretty cool, I thought.
Of course, there are many ancestry-based societies other than SAR/DAR, Mayflower, and Jamestown.  One of them is dedicated to the descendants of what is often called the Popham Plantation, located in the area near Kennebunk, Maine.  The colonists arrived there in mid-1607.  Yep, 1607.  About the same time as Jamestown was first settled.  The Popham settlement was apparently pretty well managed, as it only lost one of its colonists in the first year…unlike Jamestown and Plymouth.
Interestingly, the colony, which was principally a commercial enterprise, was abandoned a year later.  Such presence of Europeans in North America was enough that by the time the Pilgrims landed in Plymouth, the indigenous people had some knowledge of the English.  This helps to explain the comfort with which Squanto and Massasoit could communicate with the colonists.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

We Need You ...

Want to get more involved in your Oregon Society and National SAR but don't know how?  

Here are three great opportunities below that we need help with. We are just forming these new committees this year and need your help in making them happen. If you are interested in joining one of these committees please contact President Michael Tieman.

ORSSAR  Recognition Committee
This committee shall coordinate ORSSAR activities for tracking eligibility, encouraging activities, reporting achievements and recognizing individuals and organizations for noteworthy accomplishments. This committee combines the Eagle Scout, the Flag, the Medals and Awards and the Society and Chapter Competition Award Committee.

ORSSAR  Outreach Committee  
This committee will develop relationships with the Oregon community, the CAR, the DAR and the NSSAR committees. This committee combines the Center for Advancing American Heritage, the Color Guard, the CAR, the DAR and the Veterans and Patriotic Outreach Committees.

National SAR "America 250" Committee
In the tradition of Samuel Adams and Joseph Warren, we are calling on each State Society to form a state America 250 SAR Planning Committee to plan and organize State Society activities.  So we can help each other be informed, each State Society will have a CoC Secretary as the point of contact to the National Society America 250 SAR Committee.  Shortly, we will be launching an online area to report progress and develop interactive tools to help each other. For now, I ask that you have your State Society’s Committee of Correspondence Secretary send an email to the America 250 SAR Committee at 

As you know, the 250th Anniversary of the American Revolution is not only fast approaching, it is already here! While we are five years away from the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, March 6 of this year was the 250th anniversary of the Boston Massacre.  Leading up to July 4, 2026 we will have many unique opportunities promote patriotism, our objectives of education, and the honor our ancestors. No doubt you will agree, our nation needs to focus on our founding principles of liberty and freedom.

America 250 SAR is the anniversary coordinating committee of the National Society. Our charge is to work with the U.S. Semiquincentennial Commission, the America 250 staff of the American Battlefield Trust, America 250 DAR, CAR, and other heritage partners to plan the national celebrations throughout the country. State Societies and Chapters will be awarded streamers for activity related to the 250th and medals can be earned based on activities. America 250 SAR flags will soon be available through merchandising in the Flags section in the “Members Only” section of the SAR Store. 

We look forward to hearing from your state’s Committee of Correspondence Secretary.
Your most honorable servant,
Clifford Olsen,
America 250 SAR

Wednesday, September 23, 2020


 SAR Compatriot:Eugene Foley

Fraternal Connections
I have heard, over the years, that the “Indians” responsible for the Boston Tea Party were Freemasons.  While I’ve not yet been convinced that there is evidence of clandestine meetings of the lodge to execute such a plan, it is true that many of the Founding Fathers were active Freemasons.  Franklin, Washington, Otis, Wooster, Marshall, Lafayette, Montgomery, Putnam and Hancock were all active Masons.

While Masonry is often characterized as a “secret” really isn’t.  In fact, one might compare it with many other fraternal organizations, like the Grange, Pythians, Odd Fellows, and many others that use ritual and symbolism in their lessons teaching commonly held virtues of the communities they serve.  Such would certainly be consistent with the actions evident among those who would actively seek the abolition of tyranny and despotism.

As genealogical researchers, the lack of secrecy is a treasure trove of information.  Members wanted to be known as such, and even paraded (literally) to make their presence known.  The famous painting of the laying of the corner stone of the first national capital building shows Washington in Masonic adornment.  But, perhaps, most useful is the availability of historic membership information.  Many grand lodges have allowed the transcription of membership files which provide useful dates, occupations, and locations.  And can search them on the internet.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Wreaths across America

The Lewis & Clark Chapter was asked to submit a 2-3 minute video to the National Wreaths across America to be used in their advertising, radio, social media and other promotions between Sep. 12 and Dec. 19. It is to tell about us and our partnership with them.

We have made it into a YouTube video. Check it out.
Here is the link.

And Please, Sponsor a Wreath to be placed on a Veteran's grave at Willamette National Cemetery

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Honoring A Patriot

Francis Lewis Ditto, Pvt PA
Declaration for Revolutionary War Soldier Benefits

 Compatriot Arlen B. Clark
The State of Ohio} Seneca County  ss} On this 3 day of October, 1833  personally appeared in open Court before the Court of Common Pleas (being a Court of Record) now sitting, “Frandz Dido” a resident of the township of Clinton said county aged more than seventy five years as he thinks, and he believes he is nearer eighty than seventy five years old, who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath aforesaid make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefits of the act of congress passed June 7, 1832
            That he entered the sirvice [sic] of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated - - - - - - - - - - - -
            In the winter of 1777-8, I think about the middle of January at McCollister Town York County Pa. I enlisted into the 2d Regiment of Pa. troops commanded by Col. Stewart Lieut. Col. or Major _______ Murray My company commanded by Capt Rob afterward by Capt. Koby – then Capt. Jacob Stoy ----- the name of the recruiting officer was was [sic] Robert Peeling I believe
            When I enlisted I was told by the recruiter that I should be a sergeant of Horse but I was soon undeceived for I served on foot, and as a private My twin brother of the name Jacob, with several others, enlisted at the same time and and [sic] under similar representations, from the recruiting sergeant, but when they found out that they had been gulled they deserted, and earnestly requested me to do the same but I concluded that my services were so much needed at the time that I would serve my time which was three years—Gen. Wayne was our principal officer under Washington and La Faytte [sic] was with us some times.
            Soon after my enlistment I joined the army at Valley Forge, where we remained during the winter ---
            I was in the Battle of Monmouth and the next day helped to bury the dead, heat killed more that day than sword pistol or musket
            I was with about 30 others taken prisoner at Newark, ( and I think it was the second winter of my service) we were taken to New York on the ice where we were put into the sugar house—Nights we were generally locked up in a Church, I think a Quaker church—We were prisoners about three months, while in the church we undertook to make our escape—We dug a hole under the wall of the church and under the pavement, (I remember I worked with a hog’s jaw bone) when we had all things ready waiting for a dark night a hessian boy who had deserted from the British and joined the Americans, and had been taken prisoner by the British (I suppose to make his peace) discovered to the British our wood chuck’s hole-------Soon after we were exchanged, when we rejoined the Army I think at Fredericksburgh.------
            At the time Gen. Wayne took Stony Point I was working at West Point at the large fort on the hill -----
            Some of the cannon which Wayne took at Stony Point, we mounted at West Point --- The largest I think was drawn up the hill by 26 yoke of oxen and about 60 men with drag ropes -----
            I wintered at White Plains one winter, and at Fredericksburgh the remainder I believe -------
            While in the service and near the close a baggage wagon upset which I at the lower side was endeavoring to hold up. I slipped and my hip was severely injured, however I was verry [sic] soon on duty again. ----- But the consequence to me has been verry [sic] serious, It was always lame, and more than thirty years ago I became and have ever since remained a cripple, the joint being completely destroyed, all which my physician told me was caused by the original injury
            A short time before my term expired there was a violent tumult among the soldiers, because they could not get discharged when their terms expired, Col. Stewart was driven out of camp at the point of the bayonet ---- The soldiers marched towards Philladilphia [sic] to address their grievances, ----Gen. Wayne was with us – I saw him repeatedly in much apparent danger, the soldiers pointing and crying shoot the Dan-d [sic] raskol[sic] &c.– I took no part in the revolt. – My time had not yet quite expired, - However when we got to Princeton (as I believe) and the difficulty was settled by common sense, it was found of the men whose terms had expired were getting their discharges, that I myself had but about two weeks more to serve, and thinking at that point the two weeks would be of little service.
            Capt. Whitemon and an other officer gave me a certifficate [sic] with the rest and we went to the Printing Office and got discharges – I think my own was signed by Gen. Wayne but as I hardly remember of seeing it since, it having been a long time lost, that I cannot tell for certainty who signed it – I believe it was a printed discharge – I remember the hanging of the spies who had been sent to us by the British-
I know of no person whose evidence I can procure that can testify to me services
            I hereby relinquish every claim whatever to a pension or an annuity except the present, and declare that my name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any State/s Frandz Dido             
Sworn to and subscribed the day and year first above written in open court Oct 3 1833/s  
Jas. Hamond  Clerk
Mr. Andrew Maine and Allen Campbell residing in the neighborhood of said Frandz Dido hereby declare that there is no clergyman residing in the neighborhood of said applicant, that we are well acquainted with the said Francis Ditto or in German “Frandz Dido” who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration, that we believe him to be of the age which he has above sworn that he is, that he is reputed and believed in the neighborhood when he resides to have been a soldier of the Revolution and that we concur in that opinion.

Allen Campbell           
His Mark       Andrew  X   Maine                     
Sworn to and subscribed the day and year first Above written in open court
Joseph Howard,  Clerk
Here follows the questions put by the court as directed by the War Department with the several answers of the said Francis Ditto or “Frandz Dido” on his oath

Q1: Where and in what year were you born? A: I was born near Harrisburgh Pa. in the county of York, I cannot tell in what year but not far aside of 1758 as I believe I am now believe I am about 75 or 80 years old.
Q2: Have you any record of your age and if so what is it? A: My parents died when I was a small boy and I never saw any record of my age. I never kept any myself---
Q3: Where were you living when called into service? Where have you lived after the Revolutionary War, and where do you now live? A: When called into service I lived at McCollister Town, York County, Pa. When I left the service as above I went to Northumberton, Pickaway County, Ohio where I lived about 30 years – thence to Washington  Township. Pickaway County, Ohio where I lived about 15 – 16 or 17 years thence to Clinton Township,  Seneca County, Ohio where I now live.
Q4: How were you called into service, were you drafted, did you volunteer or were you a substitute, and if a substitute for whom? A: I was called into service by enlistment as above stated.
Q5: State the names of some of the Regular Officers who were with the troops when you served: such continental and Militia Regiments as you may recollect and the names and the general circumstances of your service, A: I will refer you to my statement above
Q6: Did you ever receive a discharge from the service, and if so by whom was it given and what has become of it? A: I will refer to my statement above and further will say that I have a faint recollection of having a discharge with me when I subsequently went for my back pay as per agreement
Q7: State the names of persons to whom you are known in your present neighborhood, and who can testify [sic] to your present character for truth and veracity and their belief of your services as a soldier of the Revolution. A: John Briner, John Wolf, John Sekrist [sic], Jacob Mumi [sic], Andrew Maine, John Lilly, Henry Keller, Allen Campbell, John Druge
Frandz Dido

The above answers sworn to and subscribed the date and year first above written in open court Oct 3, 1833.

Joseph Howard, Clerk
And the said Court do hereby declare their opinion after the investigation of the matter and after putting the interrogation presented by the War Department, that the above named applicant was a Revolutionary soldier and served as he states--- and the Court further certifies that it appears to him that Allen Campbell and Andrew Maine are residents o the Township of Clinton aforesaid and that they both are credible persons and that their statement is intitled [sic] to audit.
                                                            D. Higgins Presd Judge 2nd Circuit
            seal                                          Sedies Godney}
                                                                                    } Associates
                                                            Benjn Petteson}
 I Joseph Howard Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of the County of Seneca and the State of Ohio do hereby certify that the foregoing contains the original proceedings of the said court in the matter of the application of Francis Ditto, or otherwise in German as he signs his name “Frandz Ditto” for a pension.---
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal of office the day and year first above written
Joseph Howard


Wednesday, August 26, 2020

ORWM Update

The main thing about the Memorial is that it is interactive.

What does that really mean?

It's all about QR codes and their power. For those who don't use them, or remember what they are, see the examples below. I have generated these to be etched into the red granite Memorial walls. They will be beside a heading or story that we want you to see more information on. They will link to web sites, photos or videos. While you are standing in front of the ORWM in Beaverton, Oregon you will scan these QR codes with your phone or tablet and be propelled across the nation or world to see more information.

Try it now. I have tried the following method with both an Android phone and an iPhone and they work. Nothing special you have to download. **Note; If you have a problem, you can download free QR Code Reader apps for Android and iPhone.

Open your phone camera, hold it up to the QR codes below and tap on the link that comes up. Viola. Where did you go? What info did you see? How cool is that?


Imagine the possibilities.

You take your family to the memorial and let them wander around and explore the walls. Teachers bring their students to the Memorial and take them on a tour of our country's history from 1765-1793 using the electronic technology they use hundreds of times a day. We can use these codes in presentations to people or organizations to add a bit of magic. Printed materials can have these codes on them and add them to web sites or newsletters to make a direct link to something you are talking about. Or a direct link to YouTube videos.

This is why the Oregon Revolutionary War Memorial is special, it is interactive and can change as often as we wish.

  • Our new ORWM Treasurer is Dave Witter. If you want to make a contribution to the Memorial, you can write a check for cash, to purchase bricks or coins. Make the check out to ORWM and mail it to:
    Dave Witter 4840 SW Fairhaven Dr. Portland, OR 97221

  • If you want to use your credit card, go to our web site and click on the DONATE button. Here you can order bricks, coins, Patriot sculpture, Wreaths across America and also make a cash donation.

  • Check out the progress of the three new sculptures. Go to our BLOG which is the journal of the sculptor Michael Tieman.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Genealogy Aug 19

SAR Compatriot:Eugene Foley
What's in A Name?
I’m a numbers guy.  I still know the phone numbers of my home, my best friend’s home and my dad’s office AND my driver’s license number, from 1969.  But, I have a hard time remembering the names of the people I met with the night before, even though I can tell you what we talked about and what we ate for dinner.  I had a really hard time in some of my classes in law school because I couldn’t remember the names of the cases that set the precedence for arguments, even though I could describe the cases in detail!  But, I could remember codified statutes and regulations by number.  I did fine in the tax and bankruptcy codes.  So, with tens of thousands of names in my Ancestry account, I rely heavily on the matching functions provided by the software!

The software, though, does a “perfect” job of matching names.  Knowing how the software works is important to keep us from over-relying on the machine to make the matches, AND missing matches that would provide a lead.  Name matching, even before computerization, has relied on giving greater weight to matching consonants than to matching vowels.  Using SOUNDEX, systems attempt to match the likely sound of the spoken name as a way of finding matches.  Remember, also, that the matching process may assume English as the language.  So, if names match the formula, even though they are obviously wrong to the researcher, they are on the list.  So, “perfect” ain’t so perfect.

Don’t give up!  If the list is long, your answer may be there.  Filter by dates and locations to pare down the list.  If the short list still doesn’t include a match, change the spelling or sequence of the search words.  Spell out words that might be abbreviations.  Check similar names in work already performed to see if there are other spellings, or other names that might be a better match.

Consider that the name you are searching is a nickname, and substitute other options.  Look to other uses of the name in that family or in that community, for instance Matilda, Mathilda, Mattie, and Maud.  Peggy is a nickname for Margaret.  In older European transcripts, the writers often used Latin naming, so consider changing your English word to its Latin counterpart.  Use your knowledge and imagination!  Here’s a test:  What is this name, “Xpfer.”  The answer is, Christopher.  Chi Rho (looks to us like Xp) was an abbreviation for Christ, and “fer” is phonetic for “pher.”  Throw in a vowel and you get “Christ-o-pher.”  If you hit a wall, take a break.  There are literally millions of people entering their trees into the publicly available systems.  Eventually, someone else may enter the answer you’re looking for.  Most of all, have fun!


Wednesday, August 12, 2020


SAR Compatriot:Eugene Foley
Great Grandpa Charlemagne
I decided to do a face-to-face transaction at my bank.  I had to walk a distance to get to a branch, since the combination of riots and COVID have resulted in the closure of most of the banks downtown.  It was GREAT to get out of my apartment!  The teller (behind two thick layers of Plexiglas) was new at his job, so the adjacent teller and his supervisor were close by to help.  The bank wasn’t busy, so I asked him how he was doing, and he, in turn asked me what I was doing to keep busy.  I told him I was working on my genealogy, and he didn’t offer any particular response.  So, I continued, “Yep, I found that Charlemagne was my ancestor.”  Everyone laughed.

I recently read an article that explained that if your ancestry came out of Europe, chances are that Charlemagne IS your ancestor.  The study was done by a mathematician who calculated the growth and intermixing of the population, and then inverted the calculation to estimate the likelihood that any given person would have been an ancestor.  It turns out that most of us with a strong western European ancestry ARE descendants of Charlemagne…and I have traced (in theory, since the proofs are only relatively accurate) my royal lines to Charlemagne (748-814), and King Ivar Vidfadma of Denmark and Sweden (7thth Century), and Gorrett of Finland (2nd Century)…and others.  By the time y’all hit 37th Great Grandfather there are two probable truths if you believe the statistics: 1) You probably are related to that person, and 2) the tree details that got you there are probably not accurate.

Still, with the relative ease of the genealogical software that is available today (unlike the early days when we spent hours on end, day after day, looking through microfilm and dusty books), it’s a fun search to hit an old line, and run it back through kings, bishops, and scoundrels.  Make it interesting, have some fun.

Saturday, August 1, 2020



Oregon Revolutionary War Memorial
Committee Meeting

A Zoom meeting was held at 10:02 am on
Saturday August 1, 2020

The Committee: Chairman – Gene Foley, Treasurer – Dave Witter, Archivist – Michael Tieman, DAR Liaison – Patti Waitman-Ingebretsen, Rob Greene, Tom Akers, Eric Salbeda.

Fundraising/Grants - Gene Foley, Patti Waitman-Ingebretsen, Dave Witter.

Two new members were added to the Committee– Joel Simmons and Craig Keller.
Positions for PR and Marketing were not filled.

Major discussions were concerning changing the Treasurer and signators on the bank account, fundraising and restructuring of the Committee.
To read all of the minutes of the meeting click here for  a copy

Thursday, July 30, 2020

And So I Have Begun - July 20,2020

After a lot of research and many drawings, I have decided on the poses of the three new sculptures...more or less.

In the first photo on the left I have drawn the outline of the new figures on the base boards. From here I will start to build the figures in clay.

In the second photo, I have started on the "Patriot Woman" figure. Up next to one of the Soldiers, I have tried to keep her smaller in proportion. She will stand about 5'3" in the full size version.

If you look at the drawing on the back board above, you should notice that as I was working on her in clay she developed an "attitude". Look familiar? That is the confidence and strength look coming through. A no-nonsense "I can get it done" attitude.

Go with it. She will tell me how she wants to be seen.

Even though the figure will be covered with a huge full dress and apron, the figure underneath has to be done correctly and fully so that she wears the clothes convincingly. And yes, underneath all of that clay is her heart.

The Woman has Arrived - July28, 2020

 Working on the Woman today, outside temp is 100 degrees but inside my studio with AC and fans on to keep the clay cool, I am wearing a sweater and gloves to keep warm. Crazy right?

I have completed the basic model and I will let her sit for a while and live with it. Make a change here and there over time until she is what she wants to be. The face needs to be "prettier", she looks a bit too stern.

Then ready to cast into maquette sculptures to add to the first three Soldiers.

Time to move on to the next sculpture,I think I will work on the Oneida Warrior next.

The Oneida Warrior Begins - July29, 2020

  Starting with a sketch and building the base of the figure.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

A Company of Women July 29, 2020

 SAR Compatriot:Eugen Foley

I’m very fortunate to have a large percentage of my ancestors having come to America before the Revolution.  What that means, of course, is that I have a lot of potential supplemental SAR entries.  And to scare our registrar even more, my children’s mother comes from a family that has even more patriots from her line than there are in mine.  I estimate that my three sons can claim more than fifty Patriots.

That being said, I find it especially interesting to find a potential patriot that qualifies for reasons other than serving in the military or signing an oath of fidelity.  Since my wife has been telling her family (including spouses of her relatives) that I will do the initial research on their lines, there is a never-ending flow of opportunities to find the oft overlooked qualifying patriots. 

That’s how I found the Stillwell sisters of Beesley’s Point in Cape May, New Jersey, cousins in my wife’s line, both of whom had a significant impact in Southern New Jersey.  Just doing a quick web search will reveal many women who played significant roles in the fight for our independence.  Some, like Molly Pitcher, whose name was Mary Ludwig Hays, immediately come to mind, but there are so many more…many of whom are well documented, but not recognized for their sacrifices and contributions.

One of the ways that women participated as soldiers was to dress and act like men, like Deborah Sampson.  But I’d like to highlight one particular instance, in which only three women were named in the record of that period, but an entire female company was formed for the defense of their community.

In that instance, the able bodied men had mobilized to defend in a nearby community, leaving their own homes unprotected.  The women had become aware, as a result of having heard a discussion among loyalist family members, that a spy would be coming through their village.  The women assembled, elected Prudence Cummings Wright as Captain, dressed in the men’s clothes, scraped up whatever weapons their men had left behind, and assembled along the main road.  They caught the spy, chased off the loyalist family members, and passed the retrieved information to the patriots, foiling the British plans.  Though there was no protocol to compensate them, as would have been the case for militia men, a special provision was made to pay them for their military service after the war ended.

So, don’t just look to see if the men, were patriots!  Look at what the women were doing!

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

July 4, 2020

This year’s 4th of July weekend was like no other I have experienced in the last five years. Normally, I would get dressed in my Continental Uniform and gather up my 1763 Charleville musket and be in a small-town parade with my compatriots of the Sons of the American Revolution.

Not this year. Not with the Covid-19 worldwide pandemic roaring across American cities and towns unchecked. This year we must be masked and social distanced in public and keep the groups to under 25 and be aware that we over 60 are in the age group with the highest deaths.

Yes, a different 4th of July. Happy 244th Birthday America.

What did I do instead of the parades and gatherings?

On the evening of the 4th, I put on my Continental Uniform coat and tricorn hat, grabbed a handful of small American flags and my wife and I went to our youngest daughter’s home and enjoyed their fireworks. When the neighbors came over to watch our fireworks my wife and I handed out flags to everyone. We were rebels for a few hours celebrating the birth of our country. No politics, no demonstrations, no discord, just fun and celebration with our fellow countrymen and women.

To top the weekend off, my wife and I watched the movie “Hamilton” on cable tv. Two hours and 40 minutes of a wonderfully done play. Loved the cast, the songs, the lighting, the scenery and yes, the story.
I won’t tell you about it … no spoiler alert here, but I must say my favorite “people” in the play were King George III, and Thomas Jefferson, they stole the play. Oh, and don’t forget your box of tissues.

All of these events bring me to the reason for this article.

“The Promise” 

This weekend’s events reminded me of the Revolutionary War presentations I have done at schools to the 5th and 8th grade students. I have learned two things from them … show no fear and tell the facts.

The 8th graders have been the most engaging in our conversations and the same questions are asked time and again.

What makes The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States so special?

The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States are the foundation documents of America. From these we build our country.

In 1776 this fragile little collection of 13 rebel colonies stood up and waving the Declaration of Independence, declared to England and the world that we will be free and that this new country’s goals and aspirations and promise is that “All men are created equal”. That we will fight and die for this piece of paper. Our ancestors did and have done this in every generation since 1776. It is a constant battle, and one we must continue to fight in this and future generations.

We fought and died in wars since 1776, in this country and around the world … and still we fight. We fought and died in the early 1900’s the 60’s and 70’s for Women’s freedoms … and still we fight. We fought and died after the Civil War in the early 1900’s, and the 50’s and 60’s and 70’s for Black and Brown and Native American freedoms … and still we fight.

It is our responsibility as citizens of this country to fight for the promise of the Declaration of Independence ... and still we fight.

The Constitution of the United States on the other hand is the blueprint to our citizens as to how we make that promise happen. Legally and Peacefully. Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, peaceful assembly and to petition the Government. The role and responsibility of the three equal branches of government. The adding of Amendments to the Constitution to help fulfill the promise. It’s a living, breathing document, not static but ever changing to get us closer to the promise we made to the world and our citizens that … “All men are created equal”.

The next big question is always,
“Yes we fought the Revolutionary War for freedom for all, why were the Blacks not freed?”

The answer becomes complicated at best.

In 1770 out of a population of 2.3 million in the 13 colonies, over 450,000 were Blacks with 406,000 in the Southern colonies. During the Revolutionary War, the Patriot army was over 380,000 strong, (but never more than 35,000 soldiers served at any one time), and about 5,000-9,000 were Black. In the British army of over 107,000 there were 20,000 Blacks that fought but up to 100,000 went over to the British side. Both sides promised food and clothes and wages and freedom after the war. Blacks fought in almost every infantry company (in integrated troops) and on the decks of every ship from the first shot at the Boston Massacre to Yorktown. Yet, most were not freed after the war.

The promise was broken.

But there was change in the wind.

After the war by 1783 the New England states of NH, MA, RI, CT, VT abolished slavery. The Middle states of PA, NY, NJ, DE abolished slavery by early 1800.

There were two main reasons for these changes. In the northern states the attitude was “…the Blacks fought beside us for freedom for all, so they are free like us”. Second, economics. In these states it was more expensive to keep slaves then it was to have indentured servants or to hire laborers.

In the South, their attitude was different as was the economics. Blacks fought in the war in place of their masters and yet most Blacks did not fight since the masters could not trust them with a musket. They did the menial jobs. After the war, most were sent back as “returned property”. As to economics, manual slave labor was cheap and plentiful, over 60% of the population in South Carolina were Black slaves.

On Jan 1, 1808 President Thomas Jefferson signed a law banning the slave trade, but not banning owning slaves. He only freed seven of his hundreds of slaves during his lifetime and on his death. His slaves were passed on to his family as "property".

Our young country’s history was not always pretty, and our ancestors were not perfect. But they had a vision, a promise worth fighting for. We cannot change our past, but we can change the present and the future.

"We the people ..." hold up the Declaration of Independence to our government to remind them of their promise to its citizens and to remind them and us of our responsibilities as citizens.

“All men are created equal”.

Michael Tieman
President, Oregon SAR

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Next BOM Meeting July 25

The Oregon SAR Board of Managers will have their Summer meeting on July 25, 2020 at 7:00pm by Zoom .
Stay Well and Safe.

July 1 Newsletter Genealogy

SAR Compatriot:Eugen Foley
Illegitimi Non Carborundum

I am grossly over-educated, which means I’ve got way too much “stuff” crammed into a limited-capacity storage device, my brain.  So, I was thinking…uh huh…the Sons of the American Revolution should have a password, like the fraternities have.  Or, perhaps, some common experience to recall by use of a title or phrase.  So, if I were to meet Rob in a dark alley in a strange country, one of us would say “Marbury” and the other would say “Madison.” Marbury v. Madison is the typical starting point for first-year law students.  And then we could identify our specialties…I’m partial to “Black Motor.” The Black Motor Car case validated the process by which a reserve for bad debts could be used against taxable income.  Well, see what I mean…too much “stuff” filed in the cranium.

Practically speaking, however, we do have something to say to each other when we meet…we can speak about our ancestors, particularly those that served in the revolution.  These aren’t so much stories, but are pieces of our history, that when put together, describe the founding of the most amazing country ever in history.  What Rob and I learned in Law School didn’t exist before Marbury v. Madison.  At the time of the Revolution, and part of the reason for the Revolution, consisted of compliance with laws that were created in a distant land.  A land that had kings and princes, created knights and ladies as the favorites of their overlords, and nobles sat in a House of Lords set apart from the House of Commons.

As the Colonies were being settled, local councils were formed and leaders chosen.  They were too far from the Motherland to be able to call for guidance from the distant courts.  As the numbers grew, however, economics and territorial integrity in the face of foreign expansion resulted in a shift from local rule, back to the rules legislated from the homeland.  So, here is the challenge to those of us whose families were here from the earliest days:  Can we be open-minded enough to see that there is an essential evolution in self-governance that sometimes requires more than evolution, perhaps even revolution?

I’ll leave to the reader how that applies to today.  But, as this is a column is about our genealogies, I’m reminded that many of our early judicial practices focused on violations of the accepted norms.  In some communities you were fined for growing a beard, and in others for not having a beard.  You were fined if you didn’t show up to church, unless you were assigned the watch.  Of course, if you didn’t attend to the watch you were fined.  And, on and on.

When I first did the genealogy for my children, I became enamored by the number of preachers and ministers there were on both sides of their family trees.  Of course, it pleased me to see the names of the famous preachers of their times, Cotton Mather, Solomon Stoddard, and my favorite (kind of…) Jonathan Edwards, who was called as the early president at what would become Princeton (where I studied while attending the Seminary).

Circling back to forms of government in the earlier days of the Colonies, one finds that the religious leaders were very much a part of the process by which the rules were administered.  When you review your ancestors, examine their roles in the legal processes they participated in.  As we learn about how our ancestors lived, there is often an opportunity to see what leadership roles they played, AND where they ran afoul of the local system of justice.  As I did such a review of my ancestors, I found many admirable traits, and a few surprises that reset my thoughts toward otherwise fabled leaders.  And though I hate to close with a disappointment in my own search, I found several relations to the Salem Witch Trials…a couple were hung, a couple died otherwise, one was acquitted, and one watched with approval…and my respect for the famous preacher of that time, Cotton Mather, was lost.

Our “passwords” as we gather with other members are the memorials of our ancestors.  When the stories are truly complete, they are more than just that we had an ancestor serve in the Revolution.  They are the stories of peoples’ lives, how they lived, and what they believed.  We honor them for their contributions to our great country, but we also recognize them as individuals who were farmers, coopers, tinkers, cobblers, smiths, inn keepers, fisherman, wheelwrights, merchants…and preachers.  Some were poor, and others wealthy.  Some worked and some played.  Some fought and some died.  Each played a part in who we have become, and as we learn from them, who we will be.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


SAR Compatriot:Eugen Foley
Before Manifest Destiny
In grade school we heard about the Monroe Doctrine and Manifest Destiny.  But, as members of the Sons of the American Revolution, our research is much more personal, and we are able to see how our own families grew and spread across the country.  “From Sea to Shining Sea,” our Oregon-based membership is evidence of our nation’s expansion.  And the fact that we honor our forefathers’ sacrifices that made us an independent nation, conceived anew, seemed an obvious message of providence to those who fought…and to the generations that followed.

With a population of about a quarter million souls in 1700, it was clear that those few hundred Europeans that had established themselves in what would be the British Colonies by 1610 were here to stay.  But, by 1780, after the Revolution had fully engulfed the European residents of the new nation in the fight to establish a new republic, the population was nearing 2.8 million and would be nearer 5 million in 1800.

As a practical matter, new lands were needed to accommodate the expansion of the families that inhabited them.  Our youngsters today might suggest that they should have just built taller buildings, instead of moving west.  But, we know that it wasn’t until the late 1920’s that structural steel, safe elevators, tempered structural glass and other architectural and structural necessities made it possible to build above three or four stories without great expense.  And it wasn’t until the 1940’s that we began to manage our crops, farms and ranches in a sustainable fashion that, even with an increasing dependence on foreign sourcing, would make it possible to feed the third of a billion people that live in the United States today.

Before the words Manifest Destiny had come into popular use, our forefathers had already begun their move west.  As early lines were drawn, for instance, the north and south bounds of Connecticut extended well to the west. New York, and other colonies carved their shares out of this area, but much of what is Ohio (called the Western Reserve) was a part of Connecticut as it was being settle in 1796. That’s important because this and other land was available to veterans who were given grants of land to encourage them to build new communities.

Expansionist behavior began from the earliest times of colonialization, and was assumed as a matter of right.  In early records, the first settlers negotiated their use and ownership of land with the Native Americans.  While it is a cliché that our ancestors purchased Manhattan for beads, the early agreements often included trading for other goods, hunting rights and promises to share in the product of farms.  New Jersey records show a clear pattern of making contracts for the land that settlers came to occupy, as well as fair trading with the native population…in most cases.  Sadly, there were abuses and systematic discrimination increased to the time that Manifest Destiny became an excuse for the taking of land, displacement of indigenous people and institutionalized discrimination that continues to be a regrettable mark on our history.

That being said, land records are an important part of our genealogical research.  With the Revolution came the forfeiture of lands previously owned by loyalists.  Generals George Washington, John Sullivan and others were delegated responsibility for dividing the land among veterans who were expanding their families, and their horizons. My ancestors moved north to New Hampshire, and west to northern New York, then with Bounty-Land Warrants, they moved to Ohio.

And here is the opportunity for genealogical researchers…like the military pensions and invalid benefits that became available, those seeking a Land-Bounty Warrant needed to prove their service.  These records, often prepared by or for their widows included details of familial relationships, residences, and employment histories.  These are also primary evidence in the proof of service required for membership in the SAR and DAR.

And, as a final point, the westward movement tends to follow patterns.  Trade routes that include mountain passes and navigable rivers are great clues.  My own ancestors moved along the St. Lawrence to Lake Ontario to Lake Erie, settling within a short distance to the land routes that skirted those waterways.

Good luck on your search for land records and Land-Bounty Warrants.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020


SAR Compatriot:Michael Tieman
The Power of the Press in Genealogy
I have been the SAR Lewis & Clark chapter registrar and for the past 3 years the SAR Oregon state registrar. During that time, I can’t tell you how many times new applicants have asked me …
“How do I find out if an ancestor is a Patriot?”

My answer was always the same … Start by making a list of your known male ancestors who were alive during the Revolutionary War. Then search the DAR database to see if any are there and have approved applications on file.

Simple right? Well, I thought I would take my own advice. I have two approved SAR Patriots, but I figured I had more in the wings. I just needed to take the time to find out.

Two things happened. First, I found some. Secondly, I found them in as my first search, not the DAR database.

You are thinking why did I check the newspapers first? Because I was already there checking on another lead. So, what could I lose?

SCORE, I hit the preverbal gold mine.

Here then are my steps and results.
  1. Checked my known male ancestors who were alive during the Revolutionary War 4th – 5th generations.
    1. Counted 34 direct line males in that time period
    2. More searching through my old files, I found 10 of them that according to the “family stories” fought in the Revolutionary War, but not otherwise documented.
  2. I was rummaging through looking up a documented article on another person when I decided to randomly choose one of those 10 “Patriots” I chose Isaac Hale b.1763 d. 1839 who I could document my direct lineage to his daughter Emma Hale, but no further.
  3. I plugged in the info on Isaac Hale. Score.
  4. THE EVENING GAZETTE, Port Jervis, NY. Tuesday, Oct. 23, 1888. In that article written about the town relocating his grave was the following info:
    1. “Isaac Hale was the first settler in this locality and was the father-in-law of Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism.” (My ancestor Emma Hale was the only legal wife of Joseph Smith and had his only legal son).
    2. “When Isaac was 12 years old occurred the first skirmish on the Lexington Green in Massachusetts. In 1777, his 59 year-old grandfather Ward was killed at Addision, VT, while fighting against General Burgoyne and a large Native American force that had mostly come from the Susquehanna Valley in northern PA after 1,200 American soldiers burned their villages and massacred their families.”
    3. “When Hale was seventeen, he enlisted, along with his uncle David, to fight under Colonel Ebenezer Allen’s command as they sought to prevent Canadian military raids into the Mohawk Valley. Hale’s brief tour of duty ended eight days after his enlistment when the younger soldiers marched back home without seeing action and the 17-year-old private was released from service.”
    4. “He may have visited his father, Reuben Hale, or older brother, Reuben Hale Jr., both veterans of the recent war, or with his sisters Naomi and Antha (Diantha).”
    5. “After completing this task, he returned to Vermont to marry Elizabeth Lewis on Sep. 20, 1790, in Wells, VT. One of Elizabeth's ancestors, John Howland, left England on the MAYFLOWER at age 28.”
    6. “Pennsylvania, Veteran Burial Card Name: Isaac Hale Birth Date: 31 Mar. 1783 [-- recorded with incorrect birth year] Death Date: 11 Jan. 1839 Age: 55 Military Branch: Army Veteran of Which War: Revolutionary War Cemetery Name: McKune Cemetery. Cemetery Location: Oakland Township, PA Headstone: Marble”
    7. “US Sons of the American Revolution Membership Application
      Name: Isaac Hale
      SAR Membership: 25191
      Birth Date: 21 Mar. 1763
      Birth Place: Waterbury, CT
      Father: incorrectly recorded as Gideon Hale. Reuben Hale was the father of Isaac Hale.
      Mother: incorrectly recorded as Sarah Watts. Diantha Ward was the mother of Isaac Hale.
      Children: Emma Hale”
  5. So, I found that
    1. My 4th Great Grandfather Isaac Hale was a Patriot
    2. His father, my 5th Great Grandfather Reuben Hale was a Patriot
    3. His grandfather, my 6th Great Grandfather Arah Ward was a Patriot
    4. His wife Elizabeth Lewis was a descendant of John Howland who was a Mayflower passenger. I also quickly found that John Howland’s wife Elizabeth Tilley and her parents were also Mayflower passengers.
  6. Checked for Sources to prove everything in #4 above.
    1. DAR and SAR records on file to prove 4a-c above and I could prove my link to them.
    2. Checked the Mayflower Silver Books and 4d-e above are correct and I could prove my link to them.
That one newspaper article gave me three “approved” Patriots, plus two other non-direct ancestor Patriots, and four “approved” Mayflower passenger ancestors from two separate families.

When I am asked now … “How do I find out if an ancestor is a Patriot?”

I can say with confidence and experience …

"Start by making a list of your known male ancestors who were alive during the Revolutionary War. Then search the DAR database to see if any are there and have approved applications on file, also check for any articles about them as well as their obituary.”

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

History of the Week

June 8. 1776
The Battle of Trois-Rivières was also known as the Battle of Three Rivers. The British army, under Quebec Governor Sir Guy Carleton, in pursuit of an American force. They defeated an American counterattack, led by Gen. John Sullivan.
Sullivan was impetuous and spoiling for a fight from the very beginning. He decided to establish a base at Sorel, on the American side of the St. Lawrence River midway between Quebec and Montreal, from which he could maneuver and yet hold upper Canada. One of the first things Sullivan did upon his arrival was to launch an attack on the British garrison holding Trois Rivieres.
The American army in Canada had suffered a severe blow in the disastrous attack on Quebec City on December 31, 1775. A heavy flow of supplies and reinforcements allowed the Americans to maintain a presence in the vicinity of Quebec into 1776, but massively superior British artillery made siege impossible, and disease and attrition further thinned their ranks.
In May, a British naval relief squadron sailed into Quebec Harbor. Carleton added the 9th, 20th, 29th and 60th Regiments of Foot along with German troops from Brunswick to his command and sallied out against the Americans. Sullivan was already in retreat towards Montreal.
On June 8, the attack was a fiasco. Sullivan began what was intended to be a surprise attack at 3:00 A.M. The local guide turned on the Patriots and led them down the wrong road. When they discovered that they had been tricked they attempted to backtrack, but to save time they left the public roads and started cross country. They soon found themselves stuck in a swamp.
They reached dry ground about daybreak, and were seen and fired upon by British vessels in the river. In their effort to take cover within the bordering woods, they found themselves falling into another swamp. At that point the group fanned out in all directions and became separated. At some time after 8:00 A.M., Anthony Wayne and about 200 men met up with a group of redcoats, but the Americans were successful in the skirmish that ensued. William Thompson, in control of the main body of the Patriots, was stopped by a line of entrenchments that the British under Gen. John Burgoyne had quickly established.
Thompson did not hesitate to launch an attack on the British lines, but the Patriots were forced to retreat under heavy fire. That retreat was cut off by British troops who had encircled the Americans, and the Patriots fled through the woods toward Sorel. Carleton did not want to take the Americans as prisoners and so they were allowed to escape. He commented to one of his officers at the time: "What would you do with them" Have you spare provisions for them" Or would you send them to Quebec to starve? No, let the poor creatures go home and carry with them a tale which will serve his majesty more effectually than their capture."
They continued for about 2 days, reaching the bridge at Riviere du Loup, over which the British let them pass. Despite his wishes, 236 Americans surrendered to Carleton rather than continue on in flight. Nearly 400 Americans lay dead in the confused fighting at Trois Rivieres, compared to only about a dozen British.


Wednesday, June 3, 2020

June 3 Newsletter

SAR Compatriot: Eugene Foley
Taking It to the Streets

This last week I was following my ancestors to Western Pennsylvania and their further migration to Kentucky.  Of course, I’m taking note of those who were in the French & Indian Wars, the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812.  But I also considered what economic issues might have been a consideration as they moved their sometimes large families from one area to another.

Given the locale of my ancestors, I thought it possible that the Whiskey Rebellion might have been a factor in their move.  This also led me to consider the efficacy of the rebellious history of our country, exemplified by the Boston Teaparty and the protests over the Stamp Tax.  The Stamp Tax, though imposed without participation of those being subjected to its burden, was a seemingly appropriate attempt to recover costs of defending the colonies against the French and Indians.  Similarly, the tax that fomented the Whiskey Rebellion, though not agreed to by the states, might seem an appropriate attempt to recoup federal costs to protect the states.

As it turns out, the Stamp Tax was repealed after only one year.  The tax on distilled spirits became peculiarly uncollectable by the States, despite George Washington’s own efforts to enforce it.  So, the riotous actions of the citizenry did influence the outcome.  While we are appalled by the wanton destruction of property, this has been a part of demonstrating dissatisfaction throughout history.  The British gentleman who was tasked with collecting the stamp tax, was hung in effigy and his house looted, including the tiles on its roof…and the rioters knew of his appointment before he did.  He resigned soon after notice had gotten to him.

Throughout our history as a nation, our people have taken their mutual concerns to the streets.  It does appear, however, that the effectiveness of these showings of concern are not enhanced by violence, on either side of an issue.  Be that as it may, governments have a significant role in the acceleration of violence, and with the advent of cell phone recordings, the police response is open to greater scrutiny than ever before.  And, as the riots in Hong Kong have made clear, the record of response can be seen around the world.

While the study of our ancestors is a fun and sometimes exciting exploration into our history, it has with it the risk of discovering horrific acts alongside the most heroic.  I can’t help but wonder where the balance lies between teaching our children in high school and college the whole story, instead of just the romantic side, that they might hesitate when gatherings begin to become instruments of destruction instead of calls for improvement.

As parents, grandparents and great-grandparents of the next generation of descendants of patriots whose actions made our freedoms possible, WE are the bearers of the histories of our families, both the good and the bad, to the next generation.  And WE are the ones who must find the balance of what needs to be passed to future generations that their ignorance does not lead to new injustices, needless loss of life and property and putting our rights and freedoms in jeopardy.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Chapter Meetings Revised

During the current Covi-19 crises, regular public chapter meetings have been cancelled until further notice. However some chapters plan to hold some of their meetings  electronically.  Please contact your Chapter President for more information. Thank you and stay well and safe.

High Desert Chapter
Bend, Oregon
Members: 18
Third Sunday of each month from 2:30 - 4pm at the Bend Downtown Library in January, March, May, September and November.

Lewis & Clark Chapter
Beaverton, Oregon
Members: 69
Chapter Meetings Update: July 18 – Officers Meeting by Zoom; August 1 – Meeting by Zoom; Sept. 5 – Awards Meeting hopefully in person.

Republic Chapter
Salem, Oregon
Members: 37

New Elected Officers: President- David Devin, VP/Secretary – George Lenning, Treasurer – Ken Betterton, Registrar/Chaplain – Ivon Young.

Southern Oregon Chapter
Medford, Oregon
Members: 13
Meetings: Second Tuesday of January, April, July and October
. Meeting at the RVGS library in Medford at 6pm.

Monday, April 27, 2020

New Oregon Society Officers Installed

April 25, 2020 

The Oregon Society Annual Meeting was held by Zoom video conferencing where the members ballots for new 2020 State Officers were counted. The Nomination Committee's slate was approved.

Our new officers are:
President, Michael Tieman
Vice President, (vacant)
Secretary, Pete Miles
Treasurer, John Berg
Registrar, Rob Greene
Chaplain, Eugene Foley

The new National Trustees were also nominated and approved: Trustee-John Berg, Alternate Trustee-Ken Roberts.

We congratulate the new officers and thank the outgoing officers for a job well done.